# Intra-racial couple : the notional social stigma associated with dating someone of exactly the same race
# I have a number of really cool records on vinyl, but sometimes I find myself sometimes reluctant to play them in that format. And not to play the mp3 in stead. because how else would I be able tobroadcast to the world exactly how cool I really am?
# (related) It’s funny, I’d actually pay for a device that listened to what my record player was playing, auto-magical-algorithmically recognized the song playing, looked up the meta details against some free online database and helpfully syndicated the feed to last.fm, to my msn and gtalk header etc. ( you know this is actually technically feasible… )
# (also related) Music is such an interestingly irregular good. The value to you of a good song has components both an intrinsic as well as a social (and some more one or the other). It’s not just the song, it’s also who else likes the song.
song of the day: Mates of State – Fraud in the 80’s
(I wish you could hear it on vinyl…)
click this bit to play:
your first thought on intra racial couples is interesting and I was wondering if you had perhpas read something on that subject to make you wirtie that or maybe you can share with us what made you think of this or any anectdotal evidence that you can tell us about.
your first thought on intra racial couples is interesting and I was wondering if you had perhpas read something on that subject to make you wirtie that or maybe you can share with us what made you think of this or any anectdotal evidence that you can tell us about.
ha ha, No the idea just kind of popped into my head.
as in what does current or future culture think when they see this proverbial couple?
with all the selection in the world, you two couldn’t have been more imaginative than to end up with your own mirror image?
ha ha, No the idea just kind of popped into my head.
as in what does current or future culture think when they see this proverbial couple?
with all the selection in the world, you two couldn’t have been more imaginative than to end up with your own mirror image?