Toronto FilmFest Mini Reviews

Journals of Knud Rassmussen: 3 stars
The film best described as “interesting”. Portrayal of traditional inuit culture as last recorded by danish explorers (and hence they feature as characters) before the influence of christianity and colonization. More a collection of scenes than any sort of linear arc. Some scenes brilliant, others drag. Worth seeing if you have time or interest in the North but, you should also really read the books.

Woman on the Beach 3.5 stars
Korean movie simple, elegant and much of it improvised. Enjoyable and quite funny imparts. About relationships, fidelity and mostly about human/romantic encounters that almost connect.

ShortBus 4stars
With the whole cast in attendance, finished with a huge ovation at the big Ryerson theatre last night. A stunning film in more ways than one. Same director as Hedwig and the angry inch. Now I’d love to see this film get wide release in the U.S. (where it’s set), if you would think of Janet Jackson’s nipple as a malicious bb gun to the eye of american decency and family values, then consider this movie a hydrogen bomb… This movie would make hard-corn porn director blush (be prepared), but somehow amazingly, the sex bits all consistently poetically (if not hilariously) appropriate. And the funniest thing is this movie isn’t even really about sex, even though the characters seem to practice and obsess over it frequently (because that’s just life isn’t it? even if the rest of us aren’t quite so omnivorous and er, acrobatic about it). And a killer soundtrack scored by Yo Le Tengo featuring Hidden Cameras, many others…

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6 Responses to Toronto FilmFest Mini Reviews

  1. I’m so jealous you got into Shortbus. I’m excited to see it in the theatres soon, if I don’t get in from the rush line.

    What else are you seeing at Festival?

  2. I’m so jealous you got into Shortbus. I’m excited to see it in the theatres soon, if I don’t get in from the rush line.

    What else are you seeing at Festival?

  3. last night was the movie “Bliss” a word which apparently must mean something else entirely in chinese…

    tonight is The Fall and friday Death of A President

    more mini reviews to come 😉

  4. last night was the movie “Bliss” a word which apparently must mean something else entirely in chinese…

    tonight is The Fall and friday Death of A President

    more mini reviews to come 😉

  5. Mon dieu Thomas, you have time for movies? How do you guys do it? Looking forward to seeing you before the end of the year. I hear you will be in SF in October with Jevon, perhaps a drink then is de rigueur…


  6. Mon dieu Thomas, you have time for movies? How do you guys do it? Looking forward to seeing you before the end of the year. I hear you will be in SF in October with Jevon, perhaps a drink then is de rigueur…


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