Photo, enjoying a drink on the patio of the lovely Gardiner Museum before CaseCamp2.1.
Academic evangelsim: Daniel Shapiro, Audience Marketing Manager, Microsoft
* Discussed long running Microsoft program to find and reward student evangelists
* Historically, hired leading students paid hourly rate, expensive but somewhat successful
* New program reward students post-facto for acheivements in promoting Microsoft for organizing events, communities on campus etc.
* Importantly reward students non-monitarily. MSDN subscriptions, job contacts/interviews with microsoft or msoft partners
* Students valued these rewards higher than the cash and program/students were able to evangelize msoft in a much more authentic way
Pushing the buttons that make Toronto come alive: Matt Blackett, Editor,
* Matt Blacket invented the buttons in one part to promote his magazine as another to show up how awful the job the TTC does at promoting itself
* Sold 800 buttons the first day at trade fair
* Big break was when the mayor started wearing them, then boingboing picked up on it
* Buttons brought in tons of cash for the little magazine
* 11% of online button buyers ended up buying subscriptions – a huge conversion ratio compared to, say, direct marketing
* dailly visitors to their website before buttons 68, after launching buttons 473, after buttons plus starting a blog 651- 3,000
Podcasts Gone Bad – Leesa Barnes, President, Caprica Interactive Marketing
* Great idea to do a case on a good marketing idea gone bad and what we can learn from it
* Bad idea to do a case were the presenter blames the failure entirely on “the client” hmmm
Unboomed: Andrew Michael Baron, Co-founder, Rocketboom
* context, in case you missed it the biggest blogosphere story of the week the untimely and shocking departure of Amanda from rocketboom one of the webs leading sites in the very new field of video podcasting (300k+ viewers a week)
* they had just closed their first ad deals for 40k and 80k a week in advertising though the money was still yet to come in.
* “communication problems” since march. Amanda the host wanted to go to LA.
* Andrew the producer and writer of the show was willing to move but ‘she didn’t want me to come with her’
* They had been in discussion for weeks with a mediator. Last thing that happened and who had given Amanda an offer to continue doing the show bi-coastal or, worst-case, to arrange a transition to a new host. Amanda “walked out” “in the midst of negotiations”
* Thus far this is a story of “what happens when you lose control of the message” Andrew you could Towle has been dying to tell his story, but has remained restrained so far.
* Clearly scared ” this is the biggest challenge have faced in my life” but he’s moving on. Rocket boom will go to air on Monday.
* “I know the audience will be back” he says. “
Enjoyed a lovely dinner afterwards with some fellow campers. Rather unexpectedly, the night ends with John and Malgosia both in bed with another woman. It was CBC filming a pilot for a new talk/improv/reality show this one on the subject of infidelity. and shot on the streets of your Yorkville. in a bed. Fav quote from Malgosia “I can’t even remember sex before John..†awww Watch for the cute couple on a national television near you…
Hahaha… hilarious!
It was a great event and a great evening.
[FYI your link to ValleyWag is broken.]
Hahaha… hilarious!
It was a great event and a great evening.
[FYI your link to ValleyWag is broken.]
Thanks John! fixed.
Thanks John! fixed.
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