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Tag Archives: enterprise2.0
Asking CIOs the wrong questions about Enterprise 2.0
Why aren’t corporate CIO’s flocking to blogs, wikis and other social tools as fast as you’d think? Nearly two thirds of CIO’s in a recent survey responded that they have no plans to introduce “blogs” or “wikis”. And (cough) “virtual … Continue reading
Posted in Archive, enterprise 2.0, enterprise2.0
Tagged enterprise social media, enterprise2.0, IT
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LIFT08 Notes: Genevieve Bell, Intel, do our digital worlds require secrets and (white) lies?
Genevieve is an ethnographer looking at digital culture and the necessity of “lying” 45%5 of mobile users have lied about wherabouts in sms 100% of online daters lie about height or weight James Katz says entering arms race of digital … Continue reading
Posted in Archive, enterprise 2.0, enterprise2.0, lift08, socialmedia
Tagged enterprise2.0, intel, lies, lift, lift08, liftconference, social media, truth