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Category Archives: media
And the crowd says Yaaar. How Hollywood is losing the War on New Media
On Monday, it started with a few scattered pranksters shouting Arrr at the opening screen of the film premiers at this year’s Toronto International Film festival. By week end the meme had caught on. I just caught the best part … Continue reading
Posted in Archive, media, memes, Uncategorized
Owen Wilson & Media Sensitivity
Not business or tech related, but I am amazed at the MSM/tabloid coverage of Owen Wilson’s suicide attempt. The metro today paper yesterday in the celebrity BUZZ (buzz in huge letters) section, the headline read along the lines of Owen … Continue reading
Posted in Archive, media, memes
The Robotification of Usability Design
1998-2000 Human to web interaction, Web Usability, Human factors. The great bubble of Web-enabling networked databases and applications – like Online Banking,, lets sell pet food online etc. (eBay never heard of usability) 2001-2005 Website to robot interaction design, … Continue reading
Posted in apps, Archive, design, enterprise2.0, facebook, intelligence, media, memes, robots, socialmedia, socialplatforms