Category Archives: Archive

Tom’s Best of 2014 Music Mix!

It’s back! After a wee hiatus of 24 months, I just couldn’t resist posting another year end music mix. Soooo much good music this year. I’ve had this mix on repeat for last week straight. 1   3:16   Archie, Marry Me   … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, music, podcast, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Amazon Workspaces, the future of computing, and why we all need fibre

I used to manually download all my movies, shows, music. Stored it all on big terabyte hardrives. Used to have to buy hard drives all the time. Now? probably weeks since the last time my computer had to actually wake … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Why Apple is giving away software for free

Free is an unusual price to put on a piece of enormously complex desktop software like an office suite or an OS. Especially when sales of that software currently earn you hundreds of millions a year. Yet that’s was Apple’s … Continue reading

Posted in apple, Archive, strategy | Leave a comment