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Category Archives: deadmedia
In reality, SXSW Interactive 2009 was a long drunken wake for the death of print
[Last of my notes from SXSW, these on the recurring theme of death of many media, but one we may particularly miss, the death of books and long form fiction] The econoclipse has totally hastened the demise by digital soil … Continue reading
Posted in Archive, dead media, deadmedia, sxsw
Tagged dead media, sxsw, sxsw09, sxsw2009, sxswi
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The long slow death of Media
Internet usage isn’t killing TV; in fact, TV watching has hit record levels in the US. So why aren’t broadcasters rolling in fat autumn piles of cash? “An audience member was confused about how viewership could be up but ad … Continue reading
Posted in Archive, dead media, deadmedia, flavour
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And then somebody remembered that the oceans are full of free wind
On the theme of ‘Old media don’t die. They just pine for the Fjords.’ French vineyard owners are returning to a slower pace of life by starting to export their wine by sailing boat – a method last used in … Continue reading
Posted in Archive, deadmedia, sailing
Tagged deadmedia, experience goods, green marketing, technology