Bruce sterling used to regale us with stories of ubicomp that one day everything would be connected and aware. Computation everywhere “in the morning I won’t have to look for my shoes, I’ll just google them”. It’s been argued (I’ve argued it) that, one day, even your socks will have IP addresses. Of course, the more complicated technology gets the more ways it can be brittle (rebooted your blackberry yet today?).
Anyway, fast forward to the trough of disillusionment, and a funny post today from uber-hacker Julian Bleeker:
Seriously. Anytime I hear the alpha futurist-y featurists get all excited about some kind of idea for how the new ubicomp networked world will be so much more simpler and seamless and bug-free, I want to punch someone in the eye. They sound like a 5 year old who whines that they want a pink pony for their birthday. Ferchrissake.
Apparently, in the ubicomp future, we should look forward to force-quitting and reboot our socks a lot.