Like the Pope himself deciding, after all this time, to try on a rubber, and not days since I suggested it wouldn’t happen until the last blue ray was prised out of their cold dead hands, Sony (Sony!) BGM has announce plans to drop DRM* on their music.
OMG. hallelujah.
And just in time as Canadian policy makers take a breather on considering Canadian copyright policy after we just narrowly avoided enshrining DRM into law. That would be redundant wouldn’t it. Thank you Mr Geist.
*Glossary: Dreaded rights management is a collection of expensive, complicated and ill-conceived technologies originally conceived for the sole purpose of actually preventing users from using the very same media and gadgets and operating systems** that vendors and studios were trying to sell them. NOT-dreaded-rights-management represents the newly emerging industry standard that heralding a return to common sense, and business-model intelligence, and maybe -just maybe- the belated salvation of Big Media
**read as: MS Vista, the OS that DRM built. oops.