FYI: Teksavvy, the best local deal in Broadband?

telephone operators

You may recall some of my historic adventures in finding cheap broadband [ Open letter to 3Web, local broadband internet service provider *]. Well I posed the question to the TorCamp Google Group and received exactly one resounding reply. So I thought I’d pass it on: I have it at home and work now. I’ve tried Bell, Rogers, and a handfull of
other DSL providers… – Colin Smillie

I have had pretty awful results with Bell myself. Roger was alright.
But definitely, of the better local ISPs, TekSavvy in particular, has
been doing it right. It makes it much easier to be a geek… So, is your sanity worth a lot to you? Then start off with TekSavvy. -Li-fan

Agreed – Teksavvy is the way to go. I switched to them a good few
months ago haven’t regretted the decision one bit. Least of all
bittorrent and secure connections work without throttling! – mkuplens

Had been extra smart, I might have asked the question first to gig park, Noah & Pema’s excellent new social tool for service recommendations on pretty much anything </worthyplug>.

Anyway, I’ll post my thoughts on Teksavvy to this blog and gigpark after I give them a try for a while. Cheers all, and thanks to all for your recommendations.

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6 Responses to FYI: Teksavvy, the best local deal in Broadband?

  1. phro says:

    Glad to see Teksavvy catching on in more places. I’ve been a happy customer for a couple years now and I can’t say enough good things about ’em. They’re at the top of the dslreports regional ISP list, and just recently bumped their premium (capped) service from a 100GB limit to a 200GB limit at no extra cost. Throw in complimentary binary usenet access and rumors of a VOIP service in the works and how can you say no?

    I also suggest you troll the dslreports Teksavvy form, where several Teksavvy staffers post daily helping users, giving system updates and generally being far cooler than your average ISP support staff can be expected to behave.

  2. Rob says:

    Glad to see Teksavvy catching on in more places. I’ve been a happy customer for a couple years now and I can’t say enough good things about ’em. They’re at the top of the dslreports regional ISP list, and just recently bumped their premium (capped) service from a 100GB limit to a 200GB limit at no extra cost. Throw in complimentary binary usenet access and rumors of a VOIP service in the works and how can you say no?

    I also suggest you troll the dslreports Teksavvy form, where several Teksavvy staffers post daily helping users, giving system updates and generally being far cooler than your average ISP support staff can be expected to behave.

  3. Pema Hegan says:

    Thanks Tom, you’re very kind!
    I’m glad to hear you’re digging GigPark.

    Thanks also for the Teksavvy tip. Rogers torrent throttling has been bugging me for years and I think it’s finally time to make the move to DSL. I’ll wait to hear what you think of them though.

    If any of your readers are after an invite to join GigPark they can drop me a line: pema AT gigpark DOT com

  4. Pema Hegan says:

    Thanks Tom, you’re very kind!
    I’m glad to hear you’re digging GigPark.

    Thanks also for the Teksavvy tip. Rogers torrent throttling has been bugging me for years and I think it’s finally time to make the move to DSL. I’ll wait to hear what you think of them though.

    If any of your readers are after an invite to join GigPark they can drop me a line: pema AT gigpark DOT com

  5. Ryan Feeley says:

    I have been with Teksavvy since May and have gotten some of my fastest downloads ever at home. I wrote a post about switching to them for internet and VoIP a while back. I recently moved and told them that if my connection worked without hiccup that I would tell everyone I knew. Although there were some wiring issues with the house, from their end, everything was done in time. Bell, of course, is the bottleneck. They don’t really know how to deal with dry loop users. Even though I indirectly pay them a band rate for using the line, I am not technically a customer.

    Teksavvy’s usenet has not been reliable and according to a tech support e-mail:

    We offer news groups as an optional thing and we dont really support it other than setup info. If its not working I would suggest looking at forums, or checking to see whether Usenet(the host of the news server) has any input on their forums/TSing.

  6. Ryan Feeley says:

    I have been with Teksavvy since May and have gotten some of my fastest downloads ever at home. I wrote a post about switching to them for internet and VoIP a while back. I recently moved and told them that if my connection worked without hiccup that I would tell everyone I knew. Although there were some wiring issues with the house, from their end, everything was done in time. Bell, of course, is the bottleneck. They don’t really know how to deal with dry loop users. Even though I indirectly pay them a band rate for using the line, I am not technically a customer.

    Teksavvy’s usenet has not been reliable and according to a tech support e-mail:

    We offer news groups as an optional thing and we dont really support it other than setup info. If its not working I would suggest looking at forums, or checking to see whether Usenet(the host of the news server) has any input on their forums/TSing.

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