The Robotification of Usability Design

1998-2000 Human to web interaction, Web Usability, Human factors. The great bubble of Web-enabling networked databases and applications – like Online Banking,, lets sell pet food online etc. (eBay never heard of usability)

2001-2005 Website to robot interaction design, the golden age of Search Engine Optimization

2004-2006 Human to Human and social web interaction, funny how no one thought of this sooner. Web 2.0 and all that.

2007- Robot to Robot web interaction, Microformats, CAPCHA’s and RSS the carrots, sticks and duct tape of mashups. APIs and widget sandboxes of Facebook, Salesforce and google/yahoo/OSX desktops where our applets do our browsing for us and play -maybe- nice with each other. RSS made interacting with websites redundant, now robots will read our RSS for us too, sometimes with the aide of the ‘community’ acting as the proxy of intelligence.

In this scheme we’re somewhere between users and used. Human-mediated robot interaction etc. Which part of Artificial Artificial Inteligence (google it) becomes an oxymoron? It’s not necessarily a bad thing. Welcome to Web3.0.

This entry was posted in apps, Archive, design, enterprise2.0, facebook, intelligence, media, memes, robots, socialmedia, socialplatforms. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to The Robotification of Usability Design

  1. Interesting read, and very true!

    I love the way it’s now becoming possible for computers to ask for a hand with the tough bits; kind of the beginning of putting them on an equal footing…

    I put a link to this on my blog.

  2. Interesting read, and very true!

    I love the way it’s now becoming possible for computers to ask for a hand with the tough bits; kind of the beginning of putting them on an equal footing…

    I put a link to this on my blog.

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