Dragging the futurists into the future: a Beal xml feed

Ivory and other colors Tower

Shhh, can you keep a secret? There’s great minds at work in a tower, located high aloft the downtown of this very city. In fact, though you’d almost never guess it, the Beal Institute for Strategic Creativity publishes presentations from their weekly Thursday show and tell. There’s some great stuff in there! And kuddo’s to the Beal for graciously opening all this insight/foresight to the public. If only it were easier to access. This ain’t blogging (though they’ve heard of it i swear) you have to turn through layers of flash and their posts don’t allow commenting, trackbacks, particularly easy linking or -until now- any way to subscribe by rss.

So I hacked together a little rss feed for you:


It’s a screen scrape, so it’ll work until the next time the site layout changes.

Of that, I am entirely confident they’ll come-to at some point and replace the current flashtastrophe* with a proper public web presence (that even engages the public perhaps). In the mean time though, you can make do with this lightly hax0red feed. enjoy!

* Term thanks to Jay of Radian Core (if you ever need a great site designer)

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2 Responses to Dragging the futurists into the future: a Beal xml feed

  1. Michelle says:

    Heh, thanks Tom — nice hack, and yes we’re working on it…

  2. Michelle says:

    Heh, thanks Tom — nice hack, and yes we’re working on it…

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