Stream of (un)conciousness, it’s been a busy week.

# (community is much more than blogging*, but ahem) Forrester just released two fat ROI papers on corporate blogging. For real ROI, save yourself $600 and read Jevon’s version here.

# Have you noticed? Week by week more people are taking “us” seriously in this tech community of ours (un-community, camp people, “bloggers”, “we should be talking to the bloggers”, “will those bloggers talk about us?”. The mainstream has noticed, may even suddenly be taking us more seriously that even we do ourselves. Scary though? But then things in this community really are afoot (from DemoCamps to(o) ManyCamps, to the TTC, TTW, ICT Toronto, OpenCities, Wireless cities, innovation playgrounds and many I’m no doubt forgetting).

# Somewhat related, David Crow comments further here Community-driven leadership. I can’t say I know yet where he’s heading with that (reads a bit like writing your next job description Dave?) but what the hell, sign me up. That’s one fearless un-leader I would sponsor.

* someone (was it Anthony?) said roughly this last night: if the virtual interactions never lead to offline interactions, what’s even the point?

It’s not the social media, it’s what you can do with it silly.

just wait til you see what’s happening next week…

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