TorCamp is experimenting collectively with new channels of real-time (chat) collaboration while simultaneously trying to conduct business and plan future events and advocacy with city politics etc.
Here I am in 3 skype conversations, 2 gtalk, a few msn, gmail and a campfire conversation with about 40 people.
The exact same 40 people mind you.
So far this experiment is somewhere between a brilliant insight into the new collaboration — or a complete disaster. staying tuned.
see also Albert’s take on the same conversation: The “Always-On” Unconference & Ad-Hoc Virtual Communities
whoa! that image is intense tom! my brain is short-circuiting just looking at it for 5 seconds, and it’s not even moving! imagine all the beeping, scrolling, clicking, and typing making that beast come alive!
whoa! that image is intense tom! my brain is short-circuiting just looking at it for 5 seconds, and it’s not even moving! imagine all the beeping, scrolling, clicking, and typing making that beast come alive!
Wow, that looks like my desktop! I have 2GB installed on my primary desktop to run VMWare and multiple instances of Skype.
Wow, that looks like my desktop! I have 2GB installed on my primary desktop to run VMWare and multiple instances of Skype.