Dropped in yesterday for show and tell day at the Beal Centre. Having long been a fan of Alex and having had a number of friends participate at the centre, I was glad to finally be able to pay them a visit.
Interestingly, Tuesday’s traditional show and tell became something else. A propective client was in the room and amazingly no one minded at all that I sat in a while they pitched the client. After all, it was show and tell day. While nothing especially proprietary was being discussed, I had the pleasure to hear Alex give his pitch on what the Beal Centre is all about, the meaning of life (something they discovered just incidentally a few months ago) and several other of their recent insights. Some gem’s I thought I would pass on to you. These are as I remember them and therfore somewhat paraphrased and with my further comments in [ ]
- Now is not THE information age, we’ve always lived in the information age. DNA is information. [DNA is the ultimate meme]
- The meaning of life is the propagation of organization, whether it be organisms or organizations [and at the most fundamental, this is your primary purpose and the primary purpose of your company].
- One of the first questions people ask of a new technology is, how can I have sex with it? [think of one of the first applications of the electric motor and, er, the internet]
- A ball at rest is just a ball but it has the latent potential to bounce and roll. [objects/products/things/theworld have a static nature (what most focus groups would reveal for you), but what’s more interesting is the latent potential]
- Technology does not change behavior, it reveals behavior [for me this idea resonates significantly with web2.0 and social media, it’s not important that your site has tags, has social networking has feeds and blog integration etc. what’s important is the latent social behavior these tools enable. Understanding this is why flickr or upcoming.org works so well, not understanding is why so many other web2.0 bandwagon apps with their me-too tag clouds and such just look silly.]
- When forecasting the future, you can’t just imagine what would the world be like in 5 years with this new product with all else held constant. You have to have a model of the future where every thing else evolves synchronously as well.
- The world is not connected by the Internet, the world is connected by the ideas that we share on the Internet
There’s more, if you have an interest either professional or academic in this kind of thinking, I encourage you to get in touch with the folks at the Beal Centre yourself. Smart, creative people and so welcoming it’s spooky. Thanks for an enlightening and thought-provoking morning everyone. I’ll be back.
glad you finally made it. even an hour with those guys is eye opening.
glad you finally made it. even an hour with those guys is eye opening.
hi tom,
thanks for stopping in. it was good to meet you and feel free to stop in again.
take care
hi tom,
thanks for stopping in. it was good to meet you and feel free to stop in again.
take care